"Wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it." — Proverbs 13:11

Eight Streams of Income Model

Real Estate Investing
Passion Business
Income Options
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Eight Income Streams Business Model Books

Table of Contents

Eight Income Streams Business Model

Passion Business

Passion businesses typically operate as nonprofit endeavors that make a profit. However, they do not have to be and can operate as Corporations, LLC, and LLPS without the nonprofit requirements.


Passion Business

Animal Welfare

Animal welfare is concerned about the quality of animals' lives, and minimizing animal suffering.


Passion Business

Children and Youth

Children and youth focuses on the wellbeing and developmental needs of children and families within the space and time of their daily lives.


Passion Business

Cultural Education

Cultural education is the process of learning about, understanding, and appreciating the culture of different groups, including cultures outside of one's own. It is essential for teaching children and young adults to appreciate diversity and value cultural differences.


Passion Business

People with Disabilities

Service and supports for people with disabilities are specifically provided to enable people who have disabilities, and their families, to participate in society and community life.


Passion Business

Disaster Relief

Disaster relief is providing emergency financial assistance in the immediate aftermath of a disaster. Distributing financial assistance for households that need extra help in the long-term. Lastly, providing grants for community-based recovery services.


Passion Business

Elderly Care

Elderly care, or simply eldercare, serves the needs of old adults. It encompasses assisted living, adult daycare, long-term care, nursing homes, hospice care, and home care.


Passion Business

Environmental Justice

Environmental justice or eco-justice, is a social movement to address environmental injustice, which occurs when poor or marginalized communities are harmed by hazardous waste, resource extraction, and other land uses from which they do not benefit.


Passion Business

Health and Disease

Health care, or healthcare, is the improvement of health via the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, amelioration or cure of disease, illness, injury, and other physical and mental impairments in people.


Passion Business


Homelessness services are specialized programs assisting homeless people. While homelessness services may be government-run or government funded, non-profit organizations often play an important role in service delivery.


Passion Business

Hunger and Poverty

People are said to live in extreme poverty when they cannot meet their basic needs, including their needs for shelter, healthcare and food Hunger and poverty services combat the challenges individuals face in meeting their basic needs.


Passion Business

Racial Equity

Racial equity is a process of eliminating racial disparities and improving outcomes for everyone. It is the intentional and continual practice of changing policies, practices, systems, and structures by prioritizing measurable change in the lives of people of color.


Passion Business

Women Welfare

Women welfare focuses on combating sexism, reproductive health, gender-based violence, and more topics that impact women in the world.

Eight Income Streams Business Model

Products Business

Product businesses can operate either business-to-consumer or business-to-business. Further, they can operate either at a storefront or online. In all cases they sell merchandise goods to their end user.


Product Business

Artisanal Foods

Artisanal foods are crops that are produced in limited quantities using care to create superior product.


Product Business

Capital Goods

Capital goods are durable products that are used to produce other products and services. Some examples include business vehicles, electronics, facilities, and furniture.


Product Business


A commodity is a type of product or service that sells at a market price determined by supply and demand. There is little difference in quality between two brands and purchases are made solely on price.


Product Business


A consumable is a product that is typically used within a year. Some examples of consumables are medicine, travel and tourism products such as soap, and operating materials like printer ink.


Product Business

Consumer Goods

Consumer goods are tangible things that are sold to individuals as opposed to businesses. This includes items such as swimming pools, clothing, and other non-service based goods.


Product Business

Consumer Staples

Consumer staples are products that are regularly repurchased by consumers. This includes goods that are consumed such as food and goods that have limited lifespan such as toiletries.


Product Business

Digital Products

Digital products are intangible electronic things that are sold on a transactional basis. This is different than digital services that are provided over a period of time. These include audio files, digital art, and more.


Product Business

Hard Goods

Hard goods are tangible products that are literally hard to the touch. These include appliances, consumer furniture, jewelry, instruments, toys, and more.


Product Business

Lifestyle Products

Lifestyle products are goods that are perceived as an expression of an individual's style, preferences, values, way of life, and social status.


Product Business

Niche Products

A niche product interests a relatively small target market that has unique needs and preferences.


Product Business

Soft Goods /

Soft goods are tangible products that are literally soft. They are nondurable and last less than 3 years. Further, they include things like clothing, backpacks, bedding, and more.


Product Business

Software Products

A software product is software that has been developed and maintained to be sold or distributed on a market.

Eight Income Streams Business Model

Services Business

Services businesses can operate either business-to-consumer or business-to-business. Further, they can operate either at an office or online. In all cases they sell intangible goods that usually rely on the efforts on a person to deliver the service.


Service Business

Bookkeeping Services

Companies can hire bookkeeping services to maintain accurate records of employee information and fiscal activities.


Service Business

Catering Services

Good food is a very important aspect of every business meeting. It is very important that there is the presence of proper and hygienic catering services that look after food and beverages for organizations.


Service Business

Child Care

Some companies hire caregivers to host in-office day cares. This helps employees maintain a better work-life balance and save time and money by providing them with reliable child care.


Service Business


Businesses might request cleaning and office maintenance services to help with ensuring office equipment is regularly checked and offices are professionally cleaned according to health and safety regulations.


Service Business


Construction services allow companies to hire a team of experienced construction workers ensures that they complete any office renovations or expansions in a safe and efficient manner.


Service Business


Consulting services allow a company's management team to gain skills and perspectives on topics that they don't know much about.


Service Business

Delivery Services

Companies can use delivery services to receive supplies without physically shopping for them. Customers can also easily access goods at their doorstep with the help of an effective delivery service.


Service Business


These professionals create websites, logos, advertisements and other promotional content for companies to increase public interest.


Service Business

Event Management

The event management service is responsible for finding venues, supplies, staff and catering, if applicable.


Service Business

Financial Services

Financial services are economic services tied to finance provided by financial institutions.


Service Business


The fitness service industry includes establishments such as gyms that offer users services such as personal training sessions, fitness classes and exercise education.


Service Business


Companies hire health and wellness experts, such as nutritionists, therapists or other doctors, to promote good health for their employees.


Service Business

Home Services

Home services include lawn care, cleaning, plumbing, dog walking, junk removal.


Service Business


The information industry or information industries are industries that are information intensive in one way or the other. It is considered one of the most important economic branches for a variety of reasons.


Service Business


Companies need insurance services not only to provide health and life insurance for employees but also for its property and practices. Insurance services help reduce a company's financial liabilities.


Service Business


Landscaping businesses design and maintain the land around company property.


Service Business

Legal Services

Legal teams or individuals can offer guidance, advice and expertise to a company to ensure its legally binding documents uphold the organization's original intentions.


Service Business


Companies need maintenance service professionals to fix appliances and other malfunctioning equipment.


Service Business


The information industry or information industries are industries that are information intensive in one way or the other. It is considered one of the most important economic branches for a variety of reasons.


Service Business


Marketing services help companies advertise their products, services and brand by creating marketing campaigns.


Service Business

Pest Extermination

Companies need animal control or pest exterminators to handle occasional infestations.


Service Business

Printing Services

Companies use printing services to mass-produce promotional and specialty items. Print shops often have their own special equipment, such as laminators or photo printers, that many companies do not own themselves.


Service Business

Public Relations Services

Public relations professionals represent companies to help each organization maintain a good public image.


Service Business


The mechanical industry covers all businesses that offer repair or maintenance services. The services provided by individuals in the mechanical industry include mechanical expertise, repairs and sanitation.


Service Business

Real Estate Services

Many companies rent their office or retail space instead of owning it. Real estate agents help companies find workspaces and arrange rental agreements.


Service Business


Companies can outsource research services to save time and ensure accuracy.


Service Business


Companies can hire security professionals for single events or for daily operations.


Service Business


Software services enhance features and upgrade the security for a company or individual's technological devices, such as computers and phones.


Service Business

Tech Support Services

Tech support professionals work with companies and individuals to help troubleshoot any problems regarding networks, computers or other technology.


Service Business

Training Services

Companies may hire an outside party to lead training sessions, workshops or presentations to help team members improve or learn a certain skill.


Service Business

Translation Services

A company may need to hire a translator or interpreter to reach a wider range of clients or to accommodate an employee.


Service Business

Travel and Tourism

When an employee is required to travel for work, it is customary for the company to provide travel arrangements.


Service Business


Utility service businesses provide water, electricity and gas to companies in order to keep workplaces running smoothly.


Service Business

Video and Photography Services

Companies use videos and photos for training, promotion and other purposes. A company may want to hire a photographer or videographer to create this content to guarantee a high-quality result.


Service Business

Waste Management

Waste management services help businesses and individuals keep a clean working environment.

Eight Income Streams Business Model

Stocks and Bonds

A stock represents fractional ownership of equity in a business. Whereas, a bond operates like a loan made by creditors to the company in return for periodic payments. A company issues stock to raise capital from investors for new projects or to expand its business operations.


Stocks and Bonds

Corporate Bonds

Corporate bonds are fixed-income securities issued by corporations to finance operations or expansions.


Stocks and Bonds

Treasury Bonds

Treasury bonds are long-term investments issued by the U.S. government. They have a maturity of 10, 20, or 30 years.


Stocks and Bonds

International Government Bonds

International government bonds are debt securities issued by foreign governments.


Stocks and Bonds

Municipal Bonds

Municipal bonds ( called “munis”) are debt securities issued by states, cities, or counties to fund public projects or operations.


Stocks and Bonds

Agency Bonds

Agency bonds are generally issued by government-sponsored enterprises or federal agencies.


Stocks and Bonds

Green Bonds

Green bonds are debt securities issued to fund environmentally friendly projects like renewable energy or pollution reduction.


Stocks and Bonds

Bond ETFs

Bond ETFs specifically invest in bond securities. They can offer broad diversification within the bond community, and an ETF may hold a range of different bonds.


Stocks and Bonds

Index Funds

Index funds are funds that invest in stocks that comprise a specific index. The managers of the fund select the stocks of all of the companies in that index, sometimes with their own adjustments, with the goal of replicating the index's returns.


Stocks and Bonds

Broad-Based Funds

Broad-based funds are known for their diversification as they invest in the common stock of companies from multiple sectors and industries.


Stocks and Bonds

Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are like mutual funds, except that they trade on an exchange like a stock. Many ETFs operate just like mutual funds, so the discrepancy is minimal.


Stocks and Bonds

Common Stock

Common stock—sometimes referred to as ordinary shares—represents partial ownership in a company. This stock class entitles investors to generated profits, usually paid in dividends.


Stocks and Bonds

Preferred Stock

Preferred stock, or preference shares, entitles the holder to regular dividend payments before dividends are issued to common shareholders.


Stocks and Bonds

Growth Stocks

Growth stocks refer to equities expected to grow at a faster rate compared to the broader market.


Stocks and Bonds

Value Stocks

Value stocks trade at a discount to what a company's performance might otherwise indicate, typically having more attractive valuations than the broader market.


Stocks and Bonds

Income Stocks

Income stocks are equities that provide regular income by distributing a company's profits, or excess cash, through dividends that are higher than the market average.


Stocks and Bonds

Blue-Chip Stocks

Blue-chip stocks are well-established companies that have a large market capitalization. They have a long successful track record of generating dependable earnings and leading within their industry or sector.


Stocks and Bonds

Cyclical Stocks

Cyclical stocks are directly affected by the economy's performance and typically follow economic cycles of expansion, peak, recession, and recovery.


Stocks and Bonds

Non-Cyclical Stocks

Non-cyclical stocks operate in "recession-proof" industries that tend to perform reasonably well irrespective of the economy.


Stocks and Bonds

Defensive Stocks

Defensive stocks generally provide consistent returns in most economic conditions and stock market environments. These companies typically sell essential products and services, such as consumer staples, healthcare, and utilities.


Stocks and Bonds

IPO Stock

When a company goes public, it issues stock through an initial public offering (IPO). IPO stock typically gets allocated at a discount before the company's stock lists on the stock exchange.


Stocks and Bonds

Penny Stocks

A penny stock is equity valued at less than $5 and is considered highly speculative.


Stocks and Bonds

ESG Stocks

Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) stocks emphasize environmental protection, social justice, and ethical management practices.

Eight Income Streams Business Model

Cryptocurrency and Blockchain

Cryptocurrencies are usually built using blockchain technology. Blockchain describes the way transactions are recorded into "blocks" and time stamped. It's a digital ledger of cryptocurrency transactions that's hard for hackers to tamper with.


Cryptocurrency and Blockchain

Crypto Coins

Bitcoin and altcoins like Ethereum that run on their own blockchain are considered coins.


Cryptocurrency and Blockchain

Crypto Tokens

Tokens are digital assets stored on the blockchain database. They are created on blockchains that already exist, and typically represent an asset or provide the holder a specific service or access to an application.


Cryptocurrency and Blockchain


Altcoins can have different purposes beyond just serving as a digital currency.


Cryptocurrency and Blockchain


A stablecoin is a cryptocurrency with a value pegged to another asset’s price. If functioning correctly, a stablecoin pegged to the U.S. dollar should always be valued at $1.


Cryptocurrency and Blockchain

Meme Coins

Meme coins are the comedians of the crypto world. These coins gain popularity and traction through memes and social media.


Cryptocurrency and Blockchain


Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are unique digital assets such as images, videos, GIFs, or music. Similar to cryptocurrencies, NFTs are typically certified using blockchain technology.


Cryptocurrency and Blockchain

Central Bank Digital Currencies

Central Bank Digital Currency is a form of cryptocurrency issued by the central banks of various countries.


Cryptocurrency and Blockchain

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology is an advanced database mechanism that allows transparent information sharing within a business network. A blockchain database stores data in blocks that are linked together in a chain.

Eight Income Streams Business Model

Intellectual Property

Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce. These creations are copyrightable and in some cases trademarkable. Thus, allowing you to license the IP to others for sale to end users in exchange for royalties.


Intellectual Property


Copyrights are for works of authorship, including books, poems, films, music, photographs, online content. They are protected for 70 years after the creator dies.


Intellectual Property


Patents are inventions, industrial designs, computer code. Protection is for 20 years.


Intellectual Property


Trademarks are unique identifiers for a business or its products or services (e.g., logos, brand names). It is protected as long as the trademarked material remains active


Intellectual Property

Trade Secrets

Trade secrets are often protected by NDAs. They've violated the agreement and infringed upon the trade secret if a party to the agreement discloses all or parts of a trade secret to uninterested parties.

Eight Income Streams Business Model

Real Estate Investing

Real estate investing involves the purchase, management and sale or rental of real estate for profit. Someone who actively or passively invests in real estate is called a real estate entrepreneur or a real estate investor. Some investors actively develop, improve or renovate properties to make more money from them.


Real Estate Investing

Commercial Real Estate

Commercial real estate refers to real estate investments that are typically non-residential. Hotels, warehouses, office buildings and retail stores.


Real Estate Investing

Industrial Real Estate

Industrial real estate is the business of providing properties for non-public commercial use. An industrial property is rarely open to clients and is where behind-the-scenes work goes on.


Real Estate Investing

Tax Liens

A tax lien is a legal claim against the assets of an individual or business that fails to pay taxes owed to the government. A tax lien makes a legal claim against assets in the event of a significantly delinquent tax obligation. If the obligation is not satisfied, the creditor may proceed to seize the assets.


Real Estate Investing


Wholesale real estate refers to a short-term business strategy that investors can use to make quick and steady income in the real estate market.


Real Estate Investing

Real Estate Investment Trusts

Real estate trust investments (REITs) are companies that operate as trusts and oversee a number of real estate investments.


Real Estate Investing

Mobile homes and Mobile parks

A mobile home park is a community comprised of manufactured homes on a plot with connections for essential utility services like water and sewer. Though these houses are designed to be mobile, they are typically set in a semi-permanent manner.


Real Estate Investing

Raw land

Raw land refers to a property with absolutely nothing on it – buildings, paths, crops or otherwise. Undeveloped land tends to be cheaper to invest in than developed land.


Real Estate Investing

Long-term rentals

A long-term rental property is real estate that you buy with the intention of renting out to tenants. Long-term rentals can include single-family homes, duplexes or multifamily properties.


Real Estate Investing

Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)

Accessory dwelling units (ADUs) are extra living spaces on your property that you rent out to a tenant. Basements and sheds converted into tiny homes are common examples of ADUs.


Real Estate Investing

Mid-term rentals

Mid-term rentals strike a balance between flexibility and stability, offering leases that usually span from a few months to just under a year.


Real Estate Investing

Short-term rentals

A short–term rental is typically defined as a rental of any residential home unit or accessory building for a short period of time. This generally includes stays of less than a month (30 days).


Real Estate Investing

House Flipping /
Fix and Flip

Flipping a house is one of the most active real estate investments. When you flip a home, you purchase a fixer-upper, renovate the property and sell it.


Real Estate Investing

House Hacking

House hacking is simply renting out a part of your home that you live in. It could be a spare bedroom, an attic, or the basement.


Real Estate Investing


Micro-flipping is the less extreme version of house flipping. You buy homes that are sold for less than their potential market value and then quickly resell them, usually without major repairs.


Real Estate Investing

Multifamily Real Estate

Multifamily properties consist of any residential space that has 5+ doors/units. This includes apartment complexes and similar investment properties.

Eight Income Streams Business Model

Kingdom Building

Put in its simplest form, kingdom building is anything that contributes to the purposes of Yah on this earth. This includes, but is not limited to, the following: (a) Evangelism: bringing people into the kingdom. (b) Benevolence: showing the love of Yah to the world as a light that glorifies Yah and builds up those who give.


Kingdom Building​


The Greek word for prophecy means to “speak forth.” To prophesy simply means to speak out Yah's Word, His heart, purposes, and truth with the intent of encouraging and influencing others to come into alignment with Him. Yah's heart, purposes, truth, and will are all reflected in His Word. So speak His Word!


Kingdom Building​

Be of Service

Being of service means to be helpful or useful to someone in need. This can mean being of service to the widowed, homeless, or fatherless. It can also mean being helpful to your fellow brother and sister in Yah.


Kingdom Building​


The usual word for "teach" in the New Testament signifies to hold a discourse with others in order to instruct them. Also, it can mean to deliver a didactic discourse where there may not be direct personal and verbal participation.


Kingdom Building​


Encouragement through Yah is not focused on what a person is capable of within themselves, but rather in what the Spirit is doing in them.


Kingdom Building​


When we give generously and sacrificially, it's not because Yah needs anything, but because we want to show our love for Him. Giving is an expression of obedience, yes, but also of gratitude, trust, and increasing joy.


Kingdom Building​


A follower of Yah should be a leader of people. That's more than just being “boss” or having a leadership position. And it certainly doesn't mean being pushy or in control. Yahushuā taught that it means serving others.


Kingdom Building​

Showing Mercy

While we can never repay Yah for His mercy, we are instructed to show this mercy to others. After all, we have been shown mercy that saved us forever. The least we can do is show that same kind of love to others!


Kingdom Building​

Administrator /

The Scriptures has much to say about effective stewardship, and a good administrator is like a faithful steward who manages the household and business affairs of their master.


Kingdom Building​

Discernment of Spirits

Discernment of spirits is a term used to judge the influence of various spiritual agents on a person's morality.


Kingdom Building​


Yah has given us the gift of prayer to help us to navigate through life's burdens, conflicts, disappointments, and hardships. It is the ability to intercede on behalf of others and yourself with Yah.


Kingdom Building​


Evangelism is bringing people into the kingdom of Yah. Similar to Prophesizing.

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