“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” — Matthew 6:10

Kingdom Building

Through all things we do we should be focused on kingdom building for Yah on earth and spreading the good news.

Men of Valor

Men of Valor fulfill the assignment Yah has given them while serving as the mind and structure of their household.

Women of Purpose

Women of Purpose fulfill the assignment Yah has given them while serving as the heart and nurturer of their household.

Children of Courage

Children of Courage fulfill the assignment Yah has given them while serving as the blessing and reproduction of their parents.

“Yah will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.”
— Isaiah 58:11

How to Build the Kingdom

There are three focuses we must have when it comes to building the kingdom of Yah. The first is restoring order to the household through our roles (man, woman, children). The second is reaching success in holistic health. The third is building eight streams of income.

Healthy Marriage:
The Worker and Helpmate

Man was created to work in fulfillment of the purpose Yah has given him. The woman was created to work side-by-side with the man to help him fulfill that purpose. Together husband and wife must love one another and work together to build the kingdom of Yah.

Eight Income Streams

Utilize the gifts and talents that Yah has created you with so that you may build wealth for your household and your support those in need.

Holistic Health

Become healthy in the five elements of life: spiritual health, mental health, emotional health, physical health, and financial health.

The Impacts on Children of Having Two Parents That Are Likeminded

more likely to graduate college
0 %
less likely to experience poverty
0 %
more likely to serve Yah when grown
0 %
more likely to be saved
0 %
less likely to have behavioral problems
0 %

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